The State of Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry

The State of Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry


In an era dominated by social media, the beauty industry has undergone a transformation in how consumers discover, engage with, and trust beauty brands. Leading this digital revolution are beauty influencers, dynamic personalities who have carved a niche in makeup, skincare, haircare, and all things beauty-related. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube continue to thrive, and beauty brands have recognized the potential in partnering with influencers, resulting in a wider audience and enhanced brand visibility.

But who are these beauty influencers, and what sets them apart? In this article, we explore the world of beauty influencers, delving into their unique role in shaping beauty trends and consumer preferences. From sharing product recommendations to delivering tutorials, they foster authentic connections with their dedicated followers.

Who are the Beauty Influencers?

Beauty influencers are social media personalities specializing in makeup, skincare, haircare, and related topics. They wield significant influence on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, establishing themselves as authorities in the beauty realm. Beauty influencers often share product recommendations, tutorials, reviews, and tips with their substantial following.

They come in various sizes, from mega influencers with millions of followers to micro-influencers with 10k to 70k followers. It’s the latter group that has piqued interest in recent years due to their higher engagement rates, reaching an average of 2.7% on Instagram, surpassing mega and macro influencers.

Beauty Influencers Engagement Rate Instagram

Beauty influencers are trendsetters, driving trends and shaping preferences, making them sought-after collaborators for brands aiming to enhance their reach and credibility.

Building Trust & Credibility

In the beauty sector, authenticity is more than a buzzword; it’s crucial for successful influencer marketing. Enthusiasts of this industry highly prize authentic experiences and place trust in recommendations that resonate with their personal beauty journey. This sense of authenticity is precisely what influencers bring to the table, highlighting natural beauty and individuality. Authentic influencers genuinely using and endorsing products can cultivate lasting relationships with followers, leading to higher engagement and brand loyalty – attributes that brands seek.

However, a new trend, “de-influencing,” is reshaping the influencer landscape. It’s a social media trend where influencers and content creators advise followers against buying certain products. The #deinfluencing hashtag has gained popularity, especially in beauty and lifestyle markets, reflecting a desire for credible peer-to-peer recommendations.

This trend challenges influencers who prioritize profit over authenticity, offering a fresh approach for creators to build credibility and authenticity.

Embracing Diversity & Inclusivity

In recent years, influencer marketing has shifted toward promoting diversity and inclusion. Collaborating with influencers from diverse backgrounds is crucial, as 92% of consumers prioritize diversity in beauty advertising (Are Media’s “Beauty Voices” research). Featuring a diverse group of influencers signals a brand’s commitment to respecting and valuing audience differences, fostering authenticity and connection. This inclusivity allows beauty companies to tap into underrepresented communities and explore new markets.

In 2017, Fenty Beauty disrupted the industry with 40 foundation shades catering to diverse skin tones, emphasizing inclusivity and diversity.

Fenty Beauty Influencer Marketing


In the $528.6 billion beauty industry, influencers wield significant influence over consumer purchasing behaviour. Brands must prioritise authenticity, inclusivity, and diversity while adapting to changing influencer-consumer dynamics, especially in the era of de-influencing. Building trust and credibility in this complex landscape require a deep understanding of influencers and consumers.

Ready to harness the power of beauty influencers? With years of experience working with leading brands like L’Oreal, Shiseido, and Sephora, our all-in-one marketing platform is here to streamline your creator management process and elevate your influencer marketing efforts! Book some time with us here!